Joey King Takes a Lie Detector Test
Released on 02/18/2022
Look, the table's wet.
My hand is sweating,
and it's a question about ketchup.
Sabrina warned me about this interview.
[Joey laughs]
Here we go.
[Judd] Lift your hands up please.
My heart's beating fast.
Is it gonna read that and think I'm lying?
[Judd] No.
I used to be the polygraph examiner
for the Queen's DA's office.
I was a detective, so.
[static crackling]
[Interviewer] Is your full name Joey Lynn King?
[Interviewer] Are you 22 years old?
[Interviewer] Are you nervous?
Uh huh, yes.
[Interviewer] Judd, are we ready?
Good to go.
[Interviewer] We're going to start
with the first category, your career.
Your professional acting career started at the age of four.
[Interviewer] Was it your decision to start acting?
[Interviewer] Is it true that child actors
don't spend much time in school?
Yes, actually.
I spent, I spent actually a decent amount of time in school,
but then I did most of my schoolwork when I was on set.
[Interviewer] What level of education
would you say you have?
10th grade.
It's fine.
I don't think I'm, I think I'm a smart person,
but every now and then, when I'm struggling to do something,
I'm like, Sorry guys, I just have a 10th grade education.
[Interviewer] So if I ask you to do long division,
you'd be able to do it on the spot?
No, not anymore anyway.
Why the heck would I be doing long division?
Why would I need that in life right now?
I mean, not, stay in school, but I'm just saying,
I don't use that every day.
I don't think I could do it, no.
[Interviewer] So you don't know
what 20 divided by five is?
I know that it's four.
[Interviewer] How about 1040 divided by 20?
I know it's probably pretty easy 'cause it's even numbers,
but I'm not even gonna try.
[Interviewer] It's 52.
Would've never guessed that.
[Interviewer] You are 22 and have over 70 acting credits.
Do I?
That's great.
Yes, do I?
That's inconclusive.
Okay, yes.
[Interviewer] Do you remember all the roles you've played?
I would say...
I would say no.
[Interviewer] Are there any you wish you could forget?
[Interviewer] Which one?
[Joey laughs]
[Interviewer] What do you remember about this role?
Oh yes.
I loved this role.
I was, I played a girl named Brianna, I think, on New Girl
and look at that haircut.
What a little mushroom head.
That was a wig, by the way.
That was a wig, 'cause I had shaved my head
for the movie I did called Wish I Was Here,
and it was still growing out.
But they needed me to have hair for this role,
so I got this cute little bob situation going.
I actually still have it.
It's in my closet on a wig head
and it's been there for 10 years.
[Interviewer] You've worked on multiple projects
every single year since you started acting.
[Interviewer] Is it because you're paranoid
about appearing lazy?
That's a good question.
I think I used to be paranoid of feeling lazy.
Now I don't feel that way anymore.
Now I'm like, I really appreciate the breaks
when I have them.
But before, yes, I think it was because of that.
[Interviewer] When actors take multiple years off
between projects, do you consider them lazy?
That's a really lovely decision.
Spend time with your family, your loved ones, I love that.
[Interviewer] Why don't you do it then?
I do.
This is, well last year was pretty nuts
but this, this is my first time,
kind of after I finished my last project in December
and I said I wasn't gonna work until April again.
[Interviewer] Do you consider yourself a workaholic?
[Interviewer] Have you ever used the term girl boss
to describe yourself?
No, I have not.
[Interviewer] Judd?
Yes, she's telling the truth.
[Interviewer] You played Elle in The Kissing Booth.
[Interviewer] Would you say
that makes you an expert on kissing?
For sure.
[Interviewer] Judd?
She's lying.
[Joey laughs]
Oh shit!
I actually, it was kind of a joke, but I was like,
I wonder if it's gonna register as a truth.
[Interviewer] Would your boyfriend say you're an expert?
I would hope so.
You're being truthful.
Yeah, I mean, that'd be weird if I didn't hope so.
[Interviewer] How do you feel re-watching yourself
kissing people on screen?
Yeah, I don't love watching myself kiss on screen.
It's weird.
I'm like, Ew, what are you doing with your face?
[Interviewer] Have you ever watch YouTube clips
of yourself kissing co-stars?
Kissing co-stars, no.
But I have watched YouTube clips of myself before,
just to make sure I don't sound like an idiot and stuff.
[Interviewer] You've appeared on a lot of red carpets
during your career.
Did you always like getting your photo taken?
Yeah, I don't, no, no that's not true.
I used to like it a lot more than I do now.
[Interviewer] What changed?
Self criticism and criticism from the Internet.
[Interviewer] Have you ever practiced posing
before you went to an event?
100%, every one actually.
Making sure I got all my angles for that outfit.
[Interviewer] Do you have a go-to red carpet pose?
Depends on the outfit.
Usually a short dress, I'll cross the legs,
makes them look a little longer.
And then, I don't do hand on hip, I don't like that.
I'm like, Ew, who is she?
[Interviewer] Was it more fun attending red carpet events
as a kid or today?
I'd say today
'cause I can have a glass of wine afterwards.
[Interviewer] Was it fun going through puberty
in the public eye?
I mean, I didn't really think
I was going through too bad of an awkward stage at the time.
I was a pretty confident 12 to 15 year old girl.
It was, it's now that I'm looking back
at some of the haircuts I've had
and what I thought was fashionable, I'm like,
You know?
Good for you that you just thought it was great
and you were doing good.
But I feel it more now than I did then.
But I was really just like, Yeah, I'm the coolest
when I was 12.
I just thought I was the tits.
[Interviewer] You shaved your head three times
throughout your career.
[Interviewer] What do you think it is about your hair
that makes people wanna shave it off all the time?
I don't know.
Is it, is it, I don't know.
People love to separate me from my hair.
Maybe it's my cheeks.
I feel like, I don't know if they look round right now
but I always had a pretty round face,
and I think that when you're a kid,
that makes you really cute,
so people were like, Shave it off!
Let's see those cheeks!
But yeah, I don't know.
[Interviewer] What's harder,
growing bangs or a full head of hair?
A full head of hair.
That's really tough.
It gets, it's really cute for a while,
pixie cut and all that stuff.
And then when it gets a little bit past that,
it's just so hard to make it look good.
[Interviewer] Moving on to the next category,
I'm, I feel like I look like an unsettled,
like I've had a bunch of coffee.
I'm jerking around
'cause I have these little tremors of nerves.
[Interviewer] Billie Eilish once said she wanted to be you
when she was younger.
[Interviewer] Do you want to be her today?
No, but I absolutely love her.
[Interviewer] Why not?
I don't wanna be a musician.
It seems like a really fulfilling but also a tough job,
really tough job.
[Interviewer] Would you sing with her on stage
if she asked you to?
If Billie Eilish asked me to do pretty much anything,
I'd say yes.
[Interviewer] Did you like her latest album?
Happier Than Ever, yeah, I love it.
[Interviewer] What's your favorite song from it?
Happier Than Ever.
[Interviewer] That's convenient.
It's, I know every word to that song.
[Interviewer] Judd?
She's telling the truth.
[Interviewer] In her lie detector,
this person had said she watched all of your movies,
which you then said was a lie on Instagram.
I know she's lying.
[Interviewer] How do you know?
'Cause she has, I, she has not seen
the Hallmark movie I did when I was seven.
Of course not.
She's a liar.
[Interviewer] Does she lie to you often?
[Interviewer] Have you listened to all of her songs?
I don't even know who that is.
Those words don't even compute in my brain.
[Interviewer] Judd?
Yup, that's a lie.
[Joey laughs]
[Interviewer] What about her ex-boyfriends?
Have you liked all of them?
Oh, no.
[Interviewer] Has she liked all of your boyfriends?
[Interviewer] Wow, honest friendship.
Yeah, we love each other.
[Interviewer] You mentioned your ideal date
would always involve food.
[Interviewer] Do you ever get hangry?
Actually no, and this is interesting
because I have 23 and Me and it says in my chart
that I share more Neanderthal DNA
than 70% of other 23 and Me users,
and one of my variant traits
of being an inherent Neanderthal is that I don't get hangry
when I'm hungry.
That was a literal thing they told me.
[Interviewer] Wow.
So yeah, I don't get hangry.
So I'm a Neanderthal.
[Interviewer] Do you feel there's ever
an inappropriate time to have a snack?
When you're on set and they're rolling
and you're not in the scene
and you're crunching on a carrot,
that's probably a bad time for a snack.
[Interviewer] What about in this situation?
I thought that was a genius move
to bring my favorite candy to keep me nourished
at an award show.
Award shows are tiring.
A sugar high is perfect for that situation.
[Interviewer] Are you allowed to bring food
to a red carpet, or did you sneak these in?
I've never been told not to.
I don't think it's smiled upon,
but it wasn't like I had a hot dog in my hand.
It was in a box
so I thought no one would really have a problem with it.
[Interviewer] Judd?
She's telling the truth.
[Interviewer] You're the youngest of three sisters.
[Interviewer] Is it true that the youngest
always needs the most attention?
I think that's not true.
You're telling the truth.
I could sit, when I was a kid, with Barbies
and entertain myself with just no one else for hours.
[Interviewer] Do you think being an actor
means you always need to be the center of attention?
Yeah, I think so, probably.
[Interviewer] Do you know
who your parents' favorite child is?
[Interviewer] Is it you?
No, it's Hunter.
I mean, she's the best.
She's like, if I was her mother,
I'd be like, Oh, of course.
[Interviewer] You're currently dating this man.
Yes I am.
[Interviewer] So be honest.
Oh God.
[Interviewer] How's it going?
[Interviewer] As a Gen Z-er.
Am I?
[Interviewer] Yes, you are a Gen Z-er.
[Interviewer] Is it hard dating a Millennial?
It's great.
Yes, she's telling the truth.
[Interviewer] What's the most Millennial thing he does
that you would never do?
Sometimes he'll quote movies that I hadn't seen
'cause they were more his favorite when he was a teenager,
and I'll be like, What,
and he'll be like, Oh yeah.
That's probably about it.
[Interviewer] So which is the better generation,
Z or Millennials?
[Interviewer] Why?
I feel like we have too much Internet now.
[Interviewer] Moving on to the final category, your life.
Would you consider yourself funny?
She's being truthful.
[Interviewer] Are you sure?
I mean, at times.
I feel like there's a time and a place,
and sometimes I can deliver some good one-liners.
[Interviewer] Do you think you're the funniest person
to appear on The Suite Life of Zack and Cody?
Definitely not.
[Interviewer] Who is funnier, Dylan or Cole?
Well, on the show as a kid, I thought Dylan was funnier.
[Interviewer] Could you tell them apart?
Yes, absolutely.
I was in love with them when I was a kid, oh my God.
[Interviewer] Did you have a crush on either of them?
Fat crush, but on both.
My mom used to joke that she could see little heart bubbles
popping off my head, the top of my head
when I worked with them.
I was seven.
I was like, Oh my God, I'm in love!
[Interviewer] You've mentioned you're lactose intolerant.
[Interviewer] Do you think it's because you grew up in LA?
No, I think it's 'cause I'm, well maybe it's not.
I don't know.
I was gonna say 'cause I'm Jewish.
But I actually grew up drinking milk
and eating cheese and cream cheese and all that stuff
and I was fine.
I don't know when the flip switched,
but when it did, it flipped hard.
[Interviewer] Did you ever fire an assistant
for giving you something with dairy?
No, never.
I've also only ever had two assistants
on two different projects.
I don't have a baseline assistant.
[Interviewer] Have you ever fired an assistant?
Yeah, but never did it personally.
[Joey laughs]
[Interviewer] Have you ever been fired yourself?
I was asked to be on a show by a friend of mine
who was a showrunner,
and then I read the script and I was 18 at the time
and it was for a 26 year old
who had a very job that was not believable for me,
it was a cop.
And at 18, me, I already look so young.
My first line in the show is,
Freeze, put your hands in the air.
I did the table read for the network
and the network fired me because I was too young.
And I, honestly I wasn't even sad.
I was like, Listen, was I right or was I right,
'cause I said to the showrunner, I was like,
I'd love to do the show for you,
I just think I'm too young.
And he was like, No, you're perfect.
And I got fired.
I was like, Ha, I was too young.
[Interviewer] You post a lot of candid things
on your Instagram.
[Interviewer] Did you ever delete a post?
Yes, I've deleted a couple.
[Interviewer] Was it because it didn't get enough likes?
I actually think that's a reason
that I have deleted posts before,
but I'm not proud of that, obviously.
I'm just being honest, 'cause Judd over there would out me.
[Interviewer] Off the top of your head,
do you know how many Instagram followers you have?
Do you want me to, 18.8 million.
[Interviewer] Do you ever notice if you lose followers?
Oh yeah.
Not that the number's small, but I'm not gonna lie,
it was at 19 and then I think I was a little inactive
and people got a little tired of me.
[Interviewer] Final question.
[Interviewer] Did you lie at any point
during this lie detector test and we didn't catch you?
I think so.
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